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HTB: Chatterbox Walkthrough

Description Plattform: Hack the BoxLink: https://app.hackthebox.com/machines/123Difficulty: Medium 🟠 Enumeration NMAP We’ll find just two ports open: The ports indicate an application called Achat. A quick Google search reveals that Achat is a Windows-based chat application that supports direct messaging and file sharing within a local network. A working exploit can quickly be found using Searchsploit. …

HTB: Cicada Walkthrugh

Enumeration NMAP SMB Anonymous login to the share /HR is possible. To view the file, its better to download it. The file contains a password for a user, but the user is not known. Searched for usernames in the infrastructure, but unfortunately found nothing. Attempting to enumerate usernames using Impacket. The following users can be …