14 Ergebnis(se) werden angezeigt

Offsec: InfosecPrep Walkthrugh

This is my first mashine from Offsec regarding for PNPT and OSCP preparation. Recently I try to produce more content and get again more in preparation for the exams. First of all we start with our basic NMAP-Scan: We see port 80 is open with an Apache-Webserver running, so there must be a webpage. We …

HTB: Active Walkthrugh

General Active Directory Maschinehttps://app.hackthebox.com/machines/148 Walkthru First of all perform nmap-scan SMB 445 is open, lets check if we can login with anonymous-login Works! Lets login to the directory that we saw Download all files, and check them locally We found some information in the Groups.xml. Lets try to decrypt the hash. Looks like we found …

THM: tomghost Walkthrugh

You can find the training room here. As usual, we ran NMAP and wFuzz to gather as much information as we can about the target. With NMAP we get our first useful information. The target is running two apache servers. One on port 8009 and the other on port 8080. So far so good, the …

THM: ToolsRus Walkthrugh

You can find the training room here. At the beginning as usal we try to get as much information as we can from the target. For this we are using NMAP and Fuzz. As result we get some interesting folders and the open ports on the system. Sadly no open FTP but three different ports …