HTB: Cicada Walkthrugh




Anonymous login to the share /HR is possible.

To view the file, its better to download it.

The file contains a password for a user, but the user is not known.

Searched for usernames in the infrastructure, but unfortunately found nothing. Attempting to enumerate usernames using Impacket.

The following users can be found.

Crackmapexec can be used to validae the user for the password.

Now I have my user with a valid password — this allows me to search for other users and passwords. Quickly, I find a user who apparently forgot their password and was issued a new one.

With the two users and passwords, an attempt can now be made to access the DEV share.

On the share, there is a backup script that contains a username along with a clear-text password. It also specifies which directory this user is allowed to access.

Now an attempt can be made to gain a foothold on the system. In this case, I used evil-winrm to spawn a shell.

And it works, a shell is obtained on the system. The user flag is located in the Desktop folder. I attempted to read the administrator flag, but access was denied. Therefore, privilege escalation to a higher-level user is required.

This provides insight into the current user’s privileges. As it turns out, the user has the SeBackupPrivilege, which allows reading files system-wide. Therefore, we can attempt to copy a Registry hive and crack the hashes locally on the workstation or directly log in using the hash.

On the attack box, host an SMB share and copy files from the Windows machine.

With Impacket, the hashes can then be extracted.

The login with the hash works perfectly!

The root-flag can be found on the desktop.

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