44 Ergebnis(se) werden angezeigt

Offsec: InfosecPrep Walkthrugh

This is my first mashine from Offsec regarding for PNPT and OSCP preparation. Recently I try to produce more content and get again more in preparation for the exams. First of all we start with our basic NMAP-Scan: We see port 80 is open with an Apache-Webserver running, so there must be a webpage. We …

HTB: Devel Walkthrugh

General Windows Mashinehttps://app.hackthebox.com/machines/3 Walkthru We start as usual with our nmap-scan We found FTP with enabled anonymous login, lets use this for us. Download all files from the FTP to our current directoy There are only the FIles from the web server. After a test if you can write on the FTP with MSFVENOM create …

HTB: Active Walkthrugh

General Active Directory Maschinehttps://app.hackthebox.com/machines/148 Walkthru First of all perform nmap-scan SMB 445 is open, lets check if we can login with anonymous-login Works! Lets login to the directory that we saw Download all files, and check them locally We found some information in the Groups.xml. Lets try to decrypt the hash. Looks like we found …

Move nodes/vm’s after hostname change PVE

When you change the hostname of your proxmox host it can happen, that you can access the nodes and the vm’s. In the following steps is discriped how to move the vms’s to the new node. After you changed the hostname, as described in this article. You can move the configuration files, as the pmxcfs …

Fix Proxmox Error after hostname/ip change

When you change your hostname or ip on a proxmox host it can happend that you’re unable to access the ui. Journalctl will throw errors at you like this When you try to interact with the qm commands or update the certificates it will show the following To fix this make sure you changed your …

Introduction to SystemD

Hello,for a long time it was quiet here and there were no articles. Unfortunately, I am currently very busy at work, but in the meantime I have published a detailed article about SystemD at my colleague from ceos3c. In this article SystemD and the different functions and use cases are discussed in detail. You can …

The Wireguard Guide

In this guide we will discover different use-cases of Wireguard-VPN and how to install and setup different configurations on different firewalls and so on. The individual ones will not be published directly, I will update the guide over time. pfSense First we will use Wiregaurd to tunnel into a network behind a pfSense. We start …

Case Swap: Custom-Loop Dan H2O

I changed my Case – again. This time I wrote a detailed article about the hole process and problem which I faced while the build. You can visit the article at the hardware-blog of a friend of me who makes a lot of content about SSFB, hardware-reviews and stuff like that. You can find my …

Quickstart Guide – OpenVAS

Introduction This article is a follow-up to the installation guide for OpenVAS. We will discover the web-gui andfigure out some main functions of the openvas-scanner and how to use them. Running scans with the Task-Wizard When we run the first time a scan, we go to Scans and click on Tasks. Now we can choose …