23 Ergebnis(se) werden angezeigt

THM: Brooklyn Nine Nine walkthru

You can find the training room here. As usual first run our basic recon scans Nmap and fuzz to get more information about the target and the services which are running. Great we found an open FTP, SSH and open Apache port, lets see if there is something to find on web address… Hmmm no …

THM: LazyAdmin walkthru

You can find the training room here. We run our basic scans to find open ports and directories on the target. We found a open SSH port (22) and a open port for Apache (80). Sadly the address only shows the default page of the Apache webserver. Fuzz found something more interesting, an content folder, …

Reset Root-Password using GRUB

Imagin you forgot your root password after a long vacation at work or you are new to a company and need to get care of old systems with no known credentials or documentation of the system. So what do you do? – Reinstall the hole machine would be a solution but all data will be …

THM: Git Happens walkthru

You can find the room here. First of all we run nmap and scan for open ports and services. I also tried a directory scan with gobuster but it cant get a connection to the side, with fuzz all worked fine so I went there forward. When we browse to the .git page we can …

THM: Wonderland walkthru

It says follow the white rabbit, so lets go. Looking around the website while checking the sourcecode we found the directory for the pictures. Lets move to this and check if there is something usefull to find. Just some pictures, but this hint’s that there must be some more pages on the website. So we …

THM: Startup walkthru

After the mashine is deployed we check the source-code of the website but here is nothing interesting to find. So let’s move forward with our basic procedere run nmap and gobuster to check for open ports and directorys on the web-server. As result we found a open Ports for ssh, ftp and httpd. For ssh …

Use vi/vim for privilege escalation

While infilatrating a system it is mostly necessary no escalate your privileges to another user or the root user. While learning about priv-esc on linux-system I often used a simple technique which is based on misconfigured binarys. For example if a lower priv user is allowed to run a program with sudo and no password …

THM: Bounty Hacker walkthru

First of all, we run our basic scans to check for open ports and directories on our target. While this scans run we have a look at the web-page, but there is nothing interesting to find. Nmap found some open ports, so let’s try if we can log in with some default credentials. SSH doesn’t …

THM: Skynet-Room walkthru

This room has took me some time and I noticed that my solution is a little bit different to the other writeups about this room, so feel free to check my solution. First of all we have to check the IP in our browser if there is a website where we can get some information …